Women in Business Mission to Toronto, Canada
Start date: 12/05/2014
UKTINW are inviting female business owners and business women to join a women only Trade Mission to Toronto Canada from 12th – 15th May 2014.
The WIB agenda across the North West has encouraged women to start up their own businesses and current trends show that this is a growing area.
International trade is the next step and this mission will give an insight into how women in an established overseas market do business successfully not only in their domestic market but overseas.
What we can offer
- Briefing at the Consulate
- 1-2-1 clinic
- Round table Event with Canadian Trade Advisers
- Local WIB Board of Trade Group Supper
- Meet local Female Entrepreneurs
- Individual Programmes with companies in sectors
- Networking Reception at Consul-General’s Residence
- Video link with Vancouver
- City tour
Register your Interest
To register your interest please click here. For information about this mission please contact Jackie Nolan on 0161 875 2335 or email to events@uktinorthwest.co.uk.