Consultation on Employer Ownership of Skills Pilot, Round 2, Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing bid
Start date: 07/03/2013
Cost: Free Please RSVP to Address above
Date:- 7th March
ADDRESS: Unit 5-6, Meadowcourt, Amos Rd, Sheffield, S9 1BX
Semta are developing a bid under the Employer Ownership of Skills Pilot, Round 2 (EOSP2) which will aim to address the skills needs of SMEs and larger employers within the Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing (AME) sectors. EOSP2 must deliver something NEW and Transformational and in doing so overcome barriers to investment in skills.
We are inviting employers, but especially SMEs to meet with Semta to discuss what is important to you and your business and to allow us the opportunity to listen to how best your skills issues can be addressed through EOSP2. The priorities identified are:
- Shared Apprenticeship pilot including electronics
- Traineeships
- Apprenticeships
- Up-skilling and re-skilling the existing workforce
- Graduates
Your opinions and views are vital to the development of the Advanced Engineering & Manufacturing Proposal under EOSP2 and this is your opportunity to discuss how we can work together to strengthen the workforces of the future through EOSP2.
I hope you will join us at Semta Sheffield on the Thursday 7th March 2013 from 1030 to 1500, please RSVP to jobrien@semta.org.uk. If you can’t attend then please feed-in your thoughts by email in advance of the meeting.
Please note this meeting is for employers only.
Stakeholders and Trade Associations, if you can please promote this through your company contacts this would be very much appreciated.
We look forward to hearing from you.