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    How the North West can gain maximum economic benefit from the current investment in the UK’s automotive industry

    Start date: 30/01/2013
    Cost: Free:- Limited Places Please Register

    Automotive Sector update event for the Public Sector and NAA Business Excellence Consultants, 30 January 2013, Haydock.

    Presentations from the Event added

    Over the next 18 months the Automotive Sector in the UK will invest over £5.6bn in new facilities and the Automotive Council has identified over £3bn of UK sourcing opportunities.

    An event has been organised by the Northwest Automotive Alliance (NAA) to review these unprecedented opportunities and look at how the UK and the North West region can overcome the challenges to maximise growth of the sector.

    Presentations will be given by the Society for Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT); the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS); and the Northwest Automotive Alliance’s ERDF-funded Business Excellence programme.

    Companies operating in the automotive sector in the North West will also present a number of case studies showing how support from the NAA’s Business Excellence programme has helped them to successfully develop their businesses. The aim is to maximise public and private engagement in order to capitalise on the economic opportunities from the automotive industry.

    This event is for the public sector, such as LEPs and individuals in Local Authorities who are business-facing, together with providers on the NAA’s Business Excellence technical support panel.

    The event aims to increase awareness of the automotive sector, the NAA’s Business Excellence Programme, and Autohub (designed to help with employing and developing apprentices), with the aim of drawing in additional public sector support for companies.

    A workshop will be delivered to update Business Excellence technical support providers on the programme extension and procedures, and a second workshop will be delivered on Autohub.

    The automotive sector is of considerable importance to the North West region’s economy, as it is the UK’s largest vehicle producer and contributes over £10bn to the UK economy. Nationally, the sector is valued at £50bn.

    This free event will be held between 9am and 3pm on 30 January 2013 at Haydock Racecourse. The event is limited to 60 people, so please contact Zoe Desoer at the NAA to make your booking (

    Presentations from the Event
    01 NAA Carol Holden
    02 SMMT Yung Tran
    03 BIS Phil Davies
    04 NAA BEP Martin Andrews
    05 PSL_Case_Study Steve Williams
    06 MWS case study John Ellis
    07 SMMT IF – Ross McFarlane
    11 Provider workshop Martin Andrews
    12 Apprenticeships and skills Carol Holden

    European Regional Development Fund Northern Powerhouse
    Partners Department for Business Innovation and Skills Finance Birmingham