Reducing Driving Emissions: Ensuring Compliance with RDE and WLTP, 9 July 2019
Start date: 09/07/2019
Cost: Please register via Link
The industry is two years on from the implementation of the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) and the Real Driving Emissions (RDE) test procedure and with several adaptations since, companies are still facing challenges with the new testing processes.
This seminar will focus on lessons learned to equip you with the knowledge needed for cost-effective and successful testing processes. Hear directly from the Vehicle Certification Agency about requirements laid out in WLTP Act 2 and RDE Package Four to ensure you are compliant. Maximise the chance of testing success of all your models by learning about the latest testing technologies and facilities available. Network with testing, design and performance engineers as well as researchers and specialists in emissions testing.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Duncan Robinson-Slater, Principal Engineer, Vehicle Certification Agency (VCA) UK
- Hu Li, Associate Professor, Deputy Leader of the Clean Combustion Research Group and Low Carbon Research Group, School of Chemical and Process Engineering, University of Leeds
- Graziano Malivindi, Principal Emissions & Efficiency Engineer, McLaren Automotive
- Simon Williams, Principal Calibration Engineer, MAHLE Powertrain
View the full programme and register your place at www.imeche.org/emissions
As a supporting organisation of this event, NAA members can save on their place. Simply book at the Supporting Organisation rate online or contact IMechE Event Enquiries and mention your membership (eventenquiries@imeche.org)