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    Cyber Security Awareness

    This online Cyber Security Awareness course is designed to make your learning experience as easy as possible.

    Staff Awareness forms a large part of the regulation – that’s why you need to arm yourself and your staff with the information they need to make significant strides towards compliance.

    CYBER SECURITY – Why you shouldn’t bury your head in the sand

    Cyber security and cyber security awareness are critical components for any successful business. Without an embedded culture of cyber security awareness and enforcement, investment into comprehensive cyber security defence systems is unlikely to keep you safe from emerging threats.

    Every business is at risk of a cyber-attack. In 2017, cyber attacks on organisations cost the UK economy £10 billion, with seven out of ten companies falling victim to a cyber-attack or breach [1]. Typically organisations worry about their vulnerabilities in the technology they use and forget to look at the very people using those technologies everyday – their employees. According to the 2017 Data Breach Investigations Report, more than 90% of cyber-attacks were traced back to human error, suggesting that mistakes caused by humans both initiates and amplifies the risk of cyber-crime and the damage it poses to businesses [2]. The best way for business to combat this threat is to create a risk-aware workplace culture, and that starts with cyber security awareness.

    Criminals and hacktivists  know the easiest way to steal data and access secure networks is to target individuals who already have this access through stealing their credentials. They are the first and primary line of defence against these types of attacks and this is why cyber security awareness is essential in terms of equipping your employees with the knowledge and skills required to protect themselves and your business from attack. If employees are unable to make an informed and educated decision about something as simple as what network to connect to or which email attachment to open, you’re at risk of a cyber-attack. A business’s cyber security is only as strong as your weakest employee!!

    Cyber security awareness training is not a one off exercise, it should be repeated at least quarterly and employees should be asked to verify their understanding. This should be supplement with regular scenario based testing e.g. simulated phishing attack. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that annual organisational wide security awareness training is fit for purpose.  Hackers are continually changing their attack vectors and as such you will need to update your training accordingly. This will heighten the chances of identifying and preventing a scam or attack before it is fully enacted, which in turn could reduce the cost of recovery and damage to brand reputation etc.

    Course Overview

    Introduction to Cyber Security

    • Why is Cyber Security important?
    • Commodity Capabilities
    • Cyber Attack Capabilities

    Introduction to Malware

    • What is Malware?
    • How Malware Spreads

    Internet Acceptable Use

    • What is Acceptable Use Policy?
    • Business Use of the Internet
    • What is E-mail Policy?
    • The Rules of Sending & Receiving E-mails
    • Avoid Becoming a Victim
    • E-mail Monitoring

    Information Security

    • What is Information Security?
    • Company Information Classification Scheme
    • Classification Criteria
    • User Responsibilities
    • Software Security

    Device Security

    • Mobile Computing
    • BYOD Security
    • Knowledge Check
    • Social Engineering
    • Social Engineering Scenario
    • Social Media
    • Keeping your Home Network Safe

    Cost :    £25 + VAT per licence

    Register and pay

    European Regional Development Fund Northern Powerhouse
    Partners Department for Business Innovation and Skills Finance Birmingham