TS16949 – 1 Day MSA Measurement System Analysis, 20 March 2013
The one day course is designed for delegates involved in, undertaking or auditing of Measurement System Analysis studies. A basic understanding of statistical concepts would be beneficial but not essential.
To be held at Partnership for Learning, South Road, Halewood, Liverpool
Delivered by SMMT Industry Forum
The objectives:
Understand the purpose of MSA.
Understand how to undertake MSA studies for variable and attribute equipment.
Topics covered:
MSA requirements in ISO/TS16949
Calibration versus MSA
Sources of measurement system variation
How to identify equipment types requiring MSA
The course includes interactive exercises and case studies
Pricing Structure
Tier 1: £300.00 + VAT [Member of NAA]
Tier 2: £390.00 + VAT [Non-Member]
Tier 3: £150.00 + VAT [Business Excellence Member]
Please contact Zoe Desoer to book a place(s)