Qt Auto Suite Training
This training introduces you to the Qt Automotive Suite, Qt’s specialised variant for automotive in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) systems.
The course is targeted at Qt developers who want to learn about the additional runtime components and development tools provided by the Qt Automotive Suite, as well as how to best employ these components in their IVI project.
Why learn about Qt for Automotive Suite?
Qt Automotive Suite extends the regular Qt framework and tools into a comprehensive package tailored to the needs of automotive HMI projects. Additional components support you with interfacing with middleware services and with application management. Extensions to QtCreator ease on-target development and powerful runtime inspection tooling gives you new insights at runtime. In this course you will learn the additional APIs and components provided by the Qt Automotive Suite as well as how to effectively employ the additional development and diagnostic tools.
Full Details:
Contact: natalie.whitehead@kdab.com