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    NAA Event Review: Enginuity – Skills Support for Electrification webinar

    The latest in our regular series of webinars last month was “Skills Support for Electrification”, hosted by Enginuity.

    Mandeep Sanhu, Sector Engagement Lead at Enginuity introduced the Automotive Reskilling and Upskilling Platform, highlighting that this is the place to go to start exploring digitalisation and electrification skills training. The platform can be used to help upskill your workforce or to access nationally relevant learning content to tailor your training provision. It is an intelligent online platform matching learning content, developed by employers working with the Workforce Foresighting Hub, with other employers’ needs.

    Employers, employees or skills brokers can find courses that address topics of interest according to the capabilities their employees or they need. They will be able to see the available courses and training provision ranked according to how they match their requirements. Matches are completed by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and are assessed in accordance with future skills needs determined by the Workforce Foresighting Hub. For each course selected, a list of learning objectives that deliver the best match will be shown.  Courses are identified by using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to scrape the internet. Only courses that are run by approved and registered training providers will be displayed on the platform.

    Training providers can also use the platform to create a new course, check a new course that is in development or search for existing courses currently being delivered. The platform also enables training providers to check how the courses offered by their organisation match the skills requirements defined by the Workforce Foresighting Hub. It also helps them to understand how their course provision compares with the competition. They can also identify gaps in training provision as for each course selected, the platform shows which learning objectives match best in accordance with future skills needs determined by the Workforce Foresighting Hub.

    The platform provides access to unit specifications and teaching material from the Department for Education’s Emerging Skills Project (ESP) units. These are available to everyone under Open Government and are maintained by the Workforce Foresighting Hub. The platform has been developed by Enginuity and Oxford Data Technologies, on behalf of the Automotive Council UK Skills Working Group. Further information can be found here: Automotive Reskilling & Upskilling Platform (

    Martin Buck, Accreditation Lead then gave an introduction and overview of the Electrification Skills Network (ESN), which works to collaboratively align industry and skill providers, facilitating the development of a dynamic electrification skills framework, integrating initiatives and accelerating best practices. ESN is committed to developing electrification skills and capabilities within the UK. Their collaborative and integrated solutions work across diverse sectors, helping industry to address the evolving needs of a skilled workforce. It serves as a comprehensive reference point for electrification skills, providing the essential connections, guidance and best practices for industry while also contributing to a thriving electrification ecosystem.

    ESN is shaping a dynamic roadmap by establishing a framework and facilitating a community through their dedicated forum. It clarifies skill requirements, supporting skill and capability development within the workforce, empowering industry and training providers. Funded by UKRI and energised by Coventry University, ESN’s focus is to build a strong, resilient and agile workforce for today, alongside a pipeline of talent and capability to support electrification skills provision for the future.

    Further information can be found here:

    European Regional Development Fund Northern Powerhouse
    Partners Department for Business Innovation and Skills Finance Birmingham