Automotive Industrial Partnership, Addressing automotive skills challenges
The Automotive Industrial Partnership is the mechanism to address the skills challenges of the entire sector. It will take responsibility for, and to transform, the end-to-end skills system for the sector, enabling automotive employers to attract and develop the current and future skilled workforce that the sector needs to compete globally.
The UK automotive sector is about to embark on one of the greatest periods
of growth in its history with an unprecedented opportunity to establish it as a world leader in innovation. But success is NOT guaranteed. We can only hope to capitalise on these opportunities if we take action now to create the highly skilled workforce that is vital to the industry’s future success. With a shortage of advanced manufacturing technology skills, we can only realise our vision of world leader status by bringing together partners from the entire automotive supply chain; every stakeholder, from the smallest component manufacturer to the automotive production line, must step up and contribute to our common goal of creating a world class workforce.
We need consistency across the industry in terms of the people we need, the skills and knowledge they must have and the standard of quality for all sector employers.
Together, we will:
- Build a comprehensive talent pipeline from school education, apprenticeships, undergraduate learning and post-graduate learning
- Create an attractive career path to bring talented people into the industry
- Create a flexible skills system that is fit for purpose for the industry it feeds
- Improve supply chain skills to enable vehicle manufacturers to source a much greater proportion of parts from UK suppliers
- Enable investment in R&D to create the infrastructure and skills to capitalise on cutting edge technologies
Automotive sector at a glance:
- 2,700 establishments – 96% of which are micro or SME
- 149,000 employees
- £63.8 billion turnover (£428,000 per employee)
- £14.1 billion GVA (£94,500 per employee)
- 17% of establishments have skills gaps (31% SMEs)
- 9% of establishments have technical skills gaps (15% SMEs)
- 6% have difficulty retaining staff
To find out how to get involved, contact:
Dawn Hirst
Auto Industrial Partnership Marketing Manager
01740 627003