Automotive Supply Chain Survey – please take part as soon as possible
If you would like to be considered for more supply chain opportunities, and would like to supply more products into Tier 1 companies, then please take part in the Automotive Council survey aimed at evaluating the capability and appetite of the wider UK manufacturing base to satisfy the opportunity to increase UK content in Tier 1 suppliers’ products
Growth of the UK Supply Chain is a key priority for the Automotive Council and a main objective of the recently published automotive industrial strategy, with Government and Industry working together to achieve this aim. The Council, which is an Industry/Government initiative, jointly chaired by Richard Parry-Jones and Vince Cable, previously commissioned a survey that has already identified a £3 billion per annum opportunity to increase UK tier 1 supply to UK vehicle makers.
The Automotive Council is now commissioning two surveys to inform in more detail the nature of the opportunity for the wider supply chain. One study will survey key tier 1 suppliers, to quantify the opportunity to increase UK content in their products.
The other survey is aimed at evaluating the capability and appetite of the wider UK manufacturing base to satisfy this opportunity.
The Automotive Council invites you to complete this second survey, which can be downloaded by clicking here: http://supplychain.autosupplierfinder.com/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f
The information provided will be invaluable in establishing the potential to grow the UK manufacturing base, and improve the overall competitiveness of your offering to the UK automotive industry.
Structured events aimed at introducing UK suppliers to the Tier 1 supply base will form the output of the studies.
Please be assured that replies to this survey will be confidential, with responses retained by SMMT. The final report will not identify individual respondents in any way, but it will ensure that you receive more information in the future on supply chain opportunities.
Survey responses are invited by 13 December 2013, however if required responses will be accepted up until the end of December.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of this in more detail, please contact Philip Davies at philip.davies@bis.gsi.gov.uk, 020 7215 1114.