Become a NWED 2016 Sponsor: 23 June 2016
Want to get more involved in the 2016 National Women in Engineering Day and help ensure that we reach even more girls and women in engineering?
As a non-profit charity, NWED relies solely on grants and generous donations to operate NWED and get more girls and women into engineering. NWED was launched by WES in 2014 without any funding, but nevertheless has had a significant impact on diversity in schools and the wider community. For 2015, with generous sponsorship from Santander, Royal Academy Engineering, IET and Airbus, we were able to distribute over 700 resource packs across the country, reach over 1 million people via social media, encourage over 100 organisations to host their own engineering event and employ a part-time NWED coordinator.
With your help, we can continue to produce and distribute our fantastic NWED resource packs and develop more innovative ways to reach out to more young women across the UK, allowing us to change the face of engineering for years to come!
See more at: www.nwed.org.uk/sponsorship.html