Forthcoming TS16949 Training Courses – FREE training for SMEs
You have the opportunity to take part in free TS16949 Training Courses, as long as you’re an SME, a member of Business Excellence, and you must not have previously attended any training courses or networking meetings run by the NAA.
5th February 2015
Disciplined Problem Solving – 1 Day
Delivered by Systemsys
18th & 19th February
Internal Auditor – 2 Days
Delivered by SMMT Industry Forum
5th March
FMEA – 1 Day
Delivered by Systemsys
14th April
SPC – 1 Day
Delivered by Systemsys
20th & 21st April
Internal Auditor – 2 Days
Delivered by SMMT Industry Forum
5th May
MSA – 1 Day
Delivered by Systemsys
To be held at Partnership for Learning, South Road, Halewood, Liverpool
Terms and conditions apply – please see below*
Courses can only run if we have sufficient number of delegates, please book early to avoid disappointment and/or the course being cancelled
* Terms & Conditions
The delegate must not have previously attended any training courses or networking meetings run by the NAA.
You must be an SME
You must be a member of Business Excellence
Places are limited
Please contact Zoe to see if you are eligible zoe@nwautoalliance.com
For more detail on the individual courses, please visit our website:
This training is part funded through the Business Excellence Programme by ERDF.