Funding News: Niche Vehicle Network 2020 Collaborative R&D Competition Now Open
Sponsored by Innovate UK, the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and the Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC), the NVN is pleased to announce that its annual Collaborative R&D competition, covering Proof of Concept and Production Readiness Projects, is now open for applications…
The focus of this year’s competition will again be on low carbon vehicle technology, with emphasis on electrification, energy efficiency and lightweight vehicle structures.
Applications can only be submitted on-line through the NVN Funding Gateway link: which contains full guidance on how to apply, with links to provide specific help if required.
The Competition Briefing document including details on competition scope, timelines & deadlines, funding criteria, advice on how to prepare your bid, what makes a project fundable and application process is also available to view through the Funding Gateway link: and on our website:
The deadline for bid submissions is Monday 8 June 2020.
Good luck to all applicants and we look forward to receiving your submissions.
Access to the NVN Funding Gateway
If not a member already, you will need to join the Niche Vehicle Network for free here
You will then need to create an account to gain access to the NVN Funding Gateway link.
Please note: You will not be able to sign in to the Funding Gateway using your existing NVN Members’ password. When registering for the Funding Gateway, please also make sure that you use the same email address used to access the NVN Members area of the website so we can validate your membership.
R&D Competition Collaboration and Networking
In the absence this year of a formal competition launch and networking event due to current COVID-19 restrictions, we are recommending use of our Niche Vehicle LinkedIn Group page link to enable discussion between companies looking to participate in the competition, helping support your bid and facilitate potential partnership and consortia formation.
You can post an ‘elevator pitch’ limited to a maximum of 2 slides to provide information about your company and what you are looking for and/or can offer to help form a bid consortium.
All posts are subject to moderation and/or deletion if necessary by the Administrator. The Niche Vehicle Network Is supported by Innovate UK, the Office for Low Emission Vehicles, the Advanced Propulsion Centre and the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy; and is managed by Cenex.