In the Driving Seat: Adrian May, Heitkamp & Thumann Group
Adrian May, Heitkamp & Thumann Group, is showing his age by telling us that his first car was a Morris 1100, costing £140.
Adrian May
Heitkamp & Thumann Group
Director of Strategic Partnerships
Apart from that
Director of Child Action Northwest, Chair of B&FC’s Industry Advisory Board, Regional Advisory Board member for MakeUK (NW Region)
Association with the NAA
Since 2008 but only recently as a rejoining member
Why did you join the NAA?
To network amongst peers in industry and to learn through sharing best practices
Married with four children and two grandchildren. Hobbies include Freemasonry, motorcycling and landscape photography
Favourite football team
I’m Welsh, it’s the wrong shaped ball for me
Musical performer
Queen (up to 1984 – they went a bit too commercial after then)
The Jungle Book (1967)
Anything by Leslie Thomas
Best motoring moment
Passing my driving test when I was 17 and my Dad buying me a Morris 1100 (for £140). 2nd gear was a bit hit and miss but I loved that car.
Best business advice you’ve ever received?
As Abraham Lincoln said, “It is better to remain silent and be thought the fool, than to speak and remove all doubt”.