In the Driving Seat: Eddie Black, Eco-Genics Limited
Eddie Black is Managing Director of Eco-Genics Limited – when he’s not on a road trip through Europe in a Jaguar F-Type.
Eddie Black
Eco-Genics Limited
Managing Director
Apart from that
Institute of Directors
Federation of Small Business
Scottish Council for Development & Industry (SCDI)
Cumbria Tourism
Board Member Dumfries and Galloway College
Board Member of Developing Young Workforce Dumfries and Galloway
SCDI South of Scotland Committee Member
UKAS accredited
ISO9001/2015 accredited
SQA Accredited Business
Safe Contractor
Association with NAA
Joined May 2021
Why did you join the NAA?
On recommendation from a key client. To gain insights and learn from the network, to share innovation and to support fellow members with solutions to any challenges.
Eddie is happily married with four children and one grandchild; the support of his family has been a critical factor in success and growth of Eco-Genics Limited and The ECO Group. Outside of work and family Eddie enjoys motorsport, golf and also supporting his community.
Favourite football team
Scotland National Team
Musical performer
Fan of all types of music
American Gangster
I am Pilgrim – Terry Hayes
7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey
Shoe Dog – Phil Knight
Best motoring moment
Road trip through Europe in an Jaguar F-Type, travelling through Scotland, England, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal
Best business advice you’ve ever received?
Make sure you have a robust back office. Focus on the right people doing the right things.