Industry Event: Make UK Invitation – HR Inform: Wellbeing & Ways of Working Webinar
You are invited to join Make UK’s HR Inform: Wellbeing & Ways of Working webinar at 10:30 – 12:00 on Wednesday 18 May for best practice sharing and practical guidance and insight in supporting staff with mental health and adapting to new ways of working.
The need to retain skills and talent has never been more prominent. A priority for today’s skilled worker is for their employer to look after the ‘whole person’, their wellbeing and personal circumstances. Whereas traditionally, physical health had always been the priority within the workplace and the workforce treated as a homogenous group.
This online event will provide unique insight into today’s ways of working with the rise of flexible working demands and the need to provide holistic wellbeing support. This session will hear from a HR & Employment Law expert, Wellbeing expert, Mental Health expert and a business sharing their experience of successfully implementing changes to support their staff with mental health & wellbeing.
To register, please click here