Industry News: Exclusive 2018 Offer for Automotive Tier-1 Suppliers – Free places on New Product Launch Excellence (NPLX)
One of the key success factors for the UK Automotive supply chain is to ensure that New Product Introduction (NPI) capabilities, particularly sub Tier-1, are effectively supporting successful new product launches by improving the performance of quality, cost and delivery…
Initiated by the UK Automotive Council and endorsed by OEMs, the New Product Launch Excellence (NPLX) programme seeks to provide UK Automotive supply chain businesses, from Tier-1 to Tier-n, with the essential knowledge and skills to support successful new product launch.
NPLX is designed as a modular learning programme and comprises of 8 training modules, each one aligned to a specific function within an automotive manufacturing environment. This approach ensures that the essential skills and knowledge required to support successful new product launch are transferred to the right area of your business and encourage the effective cross-functional collaboration that is essential within any new product launch.
How to claim your free place on NPLX?
In order to accelerate the participation of Tier-2 to Tier-n automotive suppliers, SMMT Industry Forum is offering an incentive for Tier-1 suppliers. In order to be eligible for this offer, Tier-1 suppliers must be a member of SMMT.
We are offering free places across each of the modules listed below, to Tier-1 suppliers who agree to work with SMMT Industry Forum to actively promote the NPLX programme to their suppliers.
The offer is limited to Quarter 1 of 2018 and there are a limited number of places available on each module that will be provided on a first come first served basis.
To benefit from this offer please contact either our NPLX Programme Manager, Roger Burghall on 07841 369 536 or our Automotive Sector General Manager, Mike Dickinson on 07890 608 747. Alternatively you can email courses@industryforum.co.uk
How will you benefit from NPLX?
Upon completion of the NPLX programme you and your suppliers will have a greater understanding of how to plan and successfully execute a structured new product introduction process resulting in improved launch performance and increased customer satisfaction.
Typical programme outcomes and benefits include:
- Reducing lead time and cost for new product introduction
- Minimising waste and exceptional costs during product launch
- Understanding and fixing systemic root causes of poor NPI process execution
- Implementing proven industry best practices and NPI programme management disciplines
For more information
For more information about NPLX please visit the SMMT Industry Forum website https://www.industryforum.co.uk/nplx or email courses@industryforum.co.uk.