Live projects at the University of Bolton
Does your company have a project that you cannot progress due to a lack of manpower, time, expertise or facilities? If so, the University of Bolton may be able to help.
Its students could work on your project under professional supervision, using University facilities for between four and eight months depending on the project.
Engineering projects that are mechanical, electrical, mechatronic, biomedical or motorsports focused will be considered. Students gain experience and you gain an outcome at no cost to yourselves.
Each project would be worked on ‘in house’ using University facilities under the guidance of an experienced engineer at no cost to yourselves. Your involvement would be to introduce your project and contribute to the assessment of student achievements. These could be done through via Skype or videoconferencing if your location for travelling would be prohibitive.
Projects start in September/October (four to eight months duration) and late January (four months duration).
At the end of the project you will receive a report supported by other media, CAD files etc. that illustrate the outcomes.
Project areas might include:
- Product development, reverse engineering and rapid prototyping
- Conceptual design
- Detailed CAD design and Design for Manufacture
- Finite Element Analysis (CFD), component design and optimisation
- Fluid flow, thermodynamics, aerodynamics and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
- Physical testing and analysis
- Composite materials component analysis, manufacture and test
- Automotive / Motorsport related projects
The university will consider all project proposals to ensure that it has the capacity to support them and that they provide appropriate learning opportunities for degree-level engineering students.
If you presently do not have a project in mind please get in touch if something comes up in the future.
Intellectual Property
Students will be asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement if requested by the client.
If you are interested please contact p.clavell@bolton.ac.uk or ring 01204 903048 to discuss your project.