NAA Event Review: STFC Hartree Centre, Daresbury
Our most recent event saw us visit NAA member Hartree Centre’s Automotive Unit at Daresbury, where we were hosted by Simeon Clow, Business Development Manager; Tim Powell, Automotive Specialist; and Kate Currie, Business Development Executive.
The Hartree Centre is part of the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) – one of Europe’s largest multi-disciplinary scientific research organisations – within UK Research and Innovation, building on a wealth of established scientific heritage and a network of international expertise.
The Hartree Centre helps UK businesses and organisations of any size to explore and adopt supercomputing, data science and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies for enhanced productivity, smarter innovation and economic growth.
Backed by significant UK government funding and strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as IBM, Atos and the University of Liverpool, the Hartree Centre is home to some of the most advanced digital technologies and experts in the UK. Their experts collaborate with industry and the research community to explore the latest technologies, upskill teams, and apply practical digital solutions to individual and industry-wide challenges for societal and economic benefit.
Delegates were given an overview of the facility and the services available, including:
- Collaborative R&D
- Platform As A Service
- Creating Digital Assets
- Training & Skills
This was then illustrated via a range of industrial case studies.
Delegates were then given a tour of the facility, including the Campus Technology Hub, where a range of support is available to SMEs, including additive manufacturing and virtual reality.
Finally, an overview of the various funding options was provided and the importance of being “bid-ready” was emphasised.
Funding streams include:
HNCDI – Hartree National Centre for Digital Innovation
SMDH – Smart Manufacturing Data Hub
A copy of the presentation slide deck is available on request.