NAA member company profile: GEFCO
From supply to distribution, GEFCO provides global and integrated management and optimisation of the logistics chain for its industrial customers…
Renowned for the reliability of its services, GEFCO has expertise in automotive logistics – one of the most demanding sectors – in order to respond to the globalisation of industrial flows and the needs of its international customers that face global and complex challenges.
As a leading player in the finished vehicles logistics sector, GEFCO covers every aspect of the supply chain, including Overland and Overseas distribution, warehousing logistics and sustainable reusable packaging management, as well as customs engineering and tax representation. This means we are able to offer customised integrated solutions to meet even the most complex of industrial needs.
The Group currently has a network of 41 subsidiaries, strengthened by trading partners and sales representatives that allow it to guarantee a presence in 150 countries.
GEFCO has the leading private land transport network, with 80 hubs and 65 logistics platforms worldwide.
GEFCO is one of the top 10 European logistics integrators, and generated a turnover of €4.1 billion in 2014.
We apply a vast range of expertise in all of our business lines: logistics outsourcing (lien vers 4PL), inbound and outbound flow engineering, handling of customs and tax formalities.
For more information contact:
Maria Holmes-Keeling
Marketing Manager
Commercial Department
T +44 (0)2476 33 99 13
M+44 (0)7980 700 822
E maria.holmeskeeling@gefco.net
Central Boulevard,
Prologis Park,