NAA Member News: Alchemist Industry 4.0 Survey
Advances in industrial innovations are today carving a path to a new era of manufacturing and logistics.
Industry 4.0, Smart & Digital Manufacturing are terms often heard within industry used to describe recent development in digital technologies. Within this survey the terms Industry 4.0, Smart & Digital Manufacturing have the same meaning. Industry 4.0, Smart & Digital Manufacturing promise a more efficient, integrated, cost effective and personalised solutions for today’s manufacturing and logistics businesses.
This is a great opportunity to take part in the first research strategy used in a two phased empirical investigation into determining the level of understanding, adoption and impact of Industry 4.0, Smart & Digital Manufacturing and its associated technologies are having within a sample population of the manufacturing and automotive industry.
However, there are still many uncertainties and potential challenges surrounding this industrial movement and your experience will have a great impact on the “real” understanding of this subject.
Please click here to complete the survey which will only take 15 minutes at the most to complete.
Thank you for your support
Michael Bainbridge