NAA Member News: Camcoat installs Powder Coating Line
An NAA member company since 2011, Camcoat Performance Coatings Ltd has installed a modern powder coating line at its Adlington (Macclesfield) facility…
This is the unit where the “Diamondyze” ceramic anodising process was introduced to the European market in 2012 helped by funding under the old Business Excellence programme.
Utilising its multi-layer, multi-product application processes, Camcoat can tailor a combination of surface preparations and treatment options to best suit the customers individual requirements. Key finishing processes include:
Performance coatings
For the past 28 years Camcoat has applied thermal barrier polymer ceramic coatings capable of withstanding 1000 degrees C to both the inside and outside of exhaust systems used on performance cars and motorcycles. Customer applications include Aston Martin, McLaren, Lotus, Morgan, Ultima, ORECA and Triumph.
The triple-coating piston treatment is increasingly popular with a gold ceramic crown coating, a friction reducing skirt coating and a thermal dispersant internal coating to maximise heat transfer to the engine cooling oil.
“Diamondyze” Ceramic Anodising
Initially developed in Canada to eliminate stiction in shock absorbers, this process, applicable on most grades of aluminium, has many advantages over hard anodising:
a. Surface dimensional growth less than 5 microns (30 for hard anodising)
b. Hardness and wear resistance as good as or better than hard anodising
c. Available in all anodising colours
Powder Coating
Capable of handling parts up to 3.5 metres in length and with a stock of over 80 different colours Camcoat can powder coat practically any automotive component or assembly.
MD Peter Carter says “With the addition of a powder coating capability Camcoat now offers a unique one-stop service to our automotive and industrial customers. The range of processes and materials developed for vehicles and equipment powered by internal combustion engines is ideal for future EV applications. We thoroughly understand how and where to apply them for heat management, reducing friction, increasing component life and for pure aesthetics.”
Please contact Gary Cleary or Nick Adams on 01925 445003, use the contact page on www.camcoat.com, message at info@camcoat.com or on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn for further information or help with any project or problem that requires surface finishing.