NAA Member News: NAA networking event leads to start of business partnership between two NAA members
An NAA networking event has led to a new business partnership between two NAA members, NGF Europe and MELO World…
NGF Europe Limited, a company at the forefront of the design, manufacture and marketing of specialised glass cord products used in synchronous drive applications, had been considering updating its visual management throughout the factory: Carl Bibby from NGF Europe met Patrycja Wisniewska from MELO World Limited – a company specialising in Visual Management and 5s implementation – at an NAA networking event at RS Clare & Co Ltd and Carl immediately saw an opportunity for the two companies to work together.
A couple of weeks after the event Patrycja and MELO World’s project manager, Peter Nowicki, arranged to visit NGF Europe where Carl gave them a tour of the facility and introduced them to Alex McDermott (Operations Support Controller): Following discussions, it was agreed that, using the company’s experience in the field of visual management, MELO World would propose recommendations to achieve the most appropriate solution and give the best visual impression within the factory at NGF Europe.
Patrycja and Peter returned to NGF Europe and presented their recommendations: A couple of areas were selected as trial locations, for signage identifying the process, and these signs were promptly manufactured and installed by MELO World.
Following on from those initial signs some contractors, unfamiliar with the factory layout, were having to ask for directions within the factory: MELO World was asked to produce a site map which would identify the different areas of the shopfloor and highlight specific locations including the shift controllers’ office, ear plug dispensers, the first aid station, toilets, the canteen and lifts etc.
“Whilst employees know their way around, this often isn’t the case for contractors who sometimes have to stop employees to ask for directions; the signs will be of particular use to contractors who are less familiar with the site and will also help when factory tours for visitors are taking place” explained operations support controller, Alex Mc Dermott.
“We greatly appreciate the opportunity that the NAA gave us to network and work with NGF, a local company with such a great heritage” said Melo World’s MD, Phil Hudzik.
Work continues, with the site map to be complemented by more new signs on the shop floor, which will identify the different areas including the PCs, Plying, Twisting, CR Coating and the departments on levels one and two of the factory, which emphasises the on-going relationship that Melo promotes with its customers.
The photograph shows Daniel Offert and Peter Nowicki of MELO World Limited delivering a site map board to NGF Europe Limited which they later installed on the shop floor.