NAA Update: Senior government figures at North West events show that the aim is for a balanced recovery across the whole country
It has been a very busy period for us since the last newsletter; we have relocated and had a very active events schedule, including events with the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister, and the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills – it seems that the North West is on the government’s map again!
We have relocated into purpose-built multi-office accommodation, about one mile away from our previous home at JLR, close to the new BAC factory and Johnson Controls. Our mobile numbers and email addresses remain the same, it is just our address and landline that have changed, check out the website if you need them or have misplaced the email that Zoe sent out. In addition we will be moving our training courses to this location from July onwards, so you will all get the chance to visit us in our new home. We are on the third floor with views over to the Welsh hills, so that Amanda doesn’t feel homesick!
Please take a few minutes to read the articles on the Cholmondeley Pageant of Power and also the UK Manufacturing Summit, the feedback from the companies who attended these events was excellent. We are already starting to plan a bigger and improved presence at CPOP in 2015, the date is looking likely to be the same weekend in June next year, so put it into your diaries now.
I also had the privilege to attend the UKTI opening event for the International Festival of Business (IFB), many of you were at the same event, where not only did we have the opportunity to view products that demonstrate what is Great about Britain, we also had a visit and speech by the Prime Minister, of which for me the most interesting comment was about ensuring we have a balanced full recovery from the recession and that it isn’t all focussed around London, but across the whole country. An example that he gave was that investment was £1:£5 NW: London; key actions that will help rebalance are HS2, cross-Pennines electrification, and the new Liverpool deep water port. He also mentioned that the UK is now fifth in the global rankings for investment, behind USA, China, India and Brazil; we are up from eight last year, having leaped over Germany. We have also had the fastest recovery in the Western world.
On a lighter note, other speakers at the event looked at how our large cities are continuing to grow and wondered when we would have Newdiland (Newcastle & Sunderland – I think that our Chairman might have a few comments on that one) or Manpool (Liverpool & Manchester – living in Lancashire I will leave the locals of Liverpool & Manchester to battle that one). Don’t forget that the IFB is on for 50 days in total, so get yourselves involved, there must be at least one event of interest to you across the period. In addition you must visit The Hub in the centre of Liverpool waterfront to see BAC building Monos in the glare of everyone who passes by.
I attended the SMMT International Automotive Summit and I think that the host for the day, Justin Webb, summed it up in a few words in that we are at a fascinating moment in British Industrial history. My view is let’s make certain we take good decisions and that our children and grandchildren reap the benefits in the years to come. I will talk more about the event in a later newsletter.
Now is the time for you to commit to attend both the CENEX Low Carbon Vehicle Show on 10-11 September and the UK Advanced Engineering Show in November, it will be too late by the time of the next newsletter! We would like to include as many as possible of you on the NAA stands at these events, please contact any one of us if you would like more details on the packages that we can offer you.
Don’t forget that the closing date of 31July for the NAA Awards is looming and that Morson has very kindly agreed to host an award application workshop on the afternoon of Wednesday 2 July; there is still space on the event, please use this link below to register. http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/naa-2014-awards-workshop-tickets-11595395139
Business Excellence Project
The number of Business Excellence members currently stands at 141 with 105 projects initiated. New members this month are:
- Caged Laser
- Alpha Polymers
- Valuechain.com Solutions
- Amba Projex
- Sage Zander
- Libralato
- Carrs Reinforcements
- Chevron Racing
Future BE Networking events for your diaries are:
- 1 October – Sigmatex with vital topic subjects relating to Culture Change
- 11 December – NGF with vital topic subjects relating to grant funding and related support
Enjoy IFB and the current period of warm weather!