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    NAA Update: The automotive sector can be a driver to stimulate economic growth

    Last week, the UK Parliament returned with a busy legislative agenda. High amongst its priorities will be measures to stimulate economic growth and the automotive sector can be the driver of that change.

    The Labour Party set out its Automotive Sector Plan back in October last year, with proposals to address many of the industry’s urgent needs, from improving free trade agreements to supporting the EV transition and boosting infrastructure investment, plus the introduction of an Industrial Strategy that would encompass our sector. We now look to government to deliver on those plans and will work with it to ensure delivery matches ambition.

    Elsewhere, on the skills agenda, we are working with the Gatsby Foundation to increase the understanding of T-levels and their benefits for small to medium-sized businesses (less than 250 employees) in the automotive sector.

    If you have successfully hosted a T-level industry placement and would be happy to speak to the Gatsby Foundation communications team, please fill in this form – which will take no longer than 3 minutes to complete – and the Gatsby communication team will be in touch.

    Moving on to membership, I would like to welcome three new members this month:

    A20 Manufacturing – A20 is a specialist manufacturing business supporting prototyping through to full manufacturing. They are experts in composite and advanced materials and operate across several sectors including F1, aerospace, marine and automotive.

    Acoustic Research Consulting (ARC) – Acoustic Research Consulting provides specialist Acoustic Consultancy and NVH Engineering services across many sectors, including Automotive, Aerospace and R&D markets. Their services include benchmarking & target setting, NVH research & development, prototype assessment & analysis, post-launch production & quality concerns, audio system development – and many more. You can download their NVH test brochure here.

    O&H Vehicle Technology – O&H is a premium, Type Approved, manufacturer of emergency vehicles with a legacy of 35 years in the industry.  Their 64,000 sq. ft. site in Goole, East Yorkshire, is home to the UK’s most experienced team of vehicle builders with dedicated production lines, QC inspection areas, and unrivalled servicing.

    We will hear more from our new members in the coming weeks.

    Finally, if any of your colleagues aren’t receiving this e-news, and you think it may be of interest to them, please ask them to sign up with Zoe.

    Paul Jones


    European Regional Development Fund Northern Powerhouse
    Partners Department for Business Innovation and Skills Finance Birmingham