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    Other News: Host a T Level student and find tomorrow’s automotive talent, today

    We know recruiting the right people is crucial, especially in a highly technical industry like the automotive sector. And we also know long-standing skills shortages are holding many engineering and manufacturing businesses back.

    Engineering & Manufacturing T Levels have been designed to help solve both these problems. 

    Developed in collaboration with employers across the sector, T Levels focus on filling specific skills gaps, ensuring students gain the knowledge businesses need. They’re a core part of a reformed technical education system in England to standardise qualifications across the country.

    T Levels give young people a combination of practical skills and essential theory, which means they can step straight into work as a valuable member of your team.

    Crucially, each T Level includes a 45-day industry placement which is hosted by the employer in a flexible way that suits their business. As well as giving students on-the-job experience, these placements offer employers an opportunity to find future staff, building their talent pipeline.

    The placement is like an extended interview, where you can test if candidates are a good fit for your business – and shape the specific skills you need. Many automotive businesses have successfully recruited their T Level students on completion of their course.

    Businesses like Iconic Engineering Solutions have found it can be a great, fast-track route to recruitment: “Hosting a T Level student is more impactful than a job interview; you can really test the talent to find a good match for your business,” says Jamie Clare, Director at motorsports design and manufacturing firm Iconic. 

    He says: “For a small business like ours, the recruitment risk is magnified; T Levels help mitigate this. For me, it’s like a safety net which allows me to see if the student is suited to the role and the business before I employ them fully.”

    T Levels are a rigorous qualification, meaning any students who join your team are ready to contribute from day one. 

    Each T Level placement is tailored to your business’ needs, making it a bespoke experience. Supported by local schools and colleges, T Level students are the new, high-calibre talent pipeline that can help automotive businesses prosper.

    If you’re interested in offering T Level industry placements, visit the T Level website, enter your postcode and find your local college to partner with.   

    European Regional Development Fund Northern Powerhouse
    Partners Department for Business Innovation and Skills Finance Birmingham