Partner News: Open the doors of your business on Thursday 7 July to your local communities to attract new talent into your business
I am delighted to share with you details of the inaugural National Manufacturing Day (NMD) which will take place on the 7 July 2022.
The initiative is being led by the trade body Make UK, and the whole sector is invited to participate. It will be a national celebration of UK manufacturing and a chance to raise the profile of the sector.
Manufactures will have the opportunity to showcase what they do, and be part of a national programme of events, giving people the chance to see manufacturing at its best and promote the exciting careers the sector has to offer.
You can sign up to take part here: www.makeuk.org/nmd
Register for National Manufacturing Day to help your business showcase show the reality of modern manufacturing first-hand and the careers and job vacancies available. Register Your Event here, fill in the form which be published on the National Manufacturing Day website, you can add details of what you plan to do at a later point – just get your company name down NOW.
It is all very easy. You can do as little or as much as you want on the day – and Make UK will publicise what your company is doing on our special NMD hub.
How to Get Involved
• Register Your Event (this link takes you directly to our site and what you write is what we post for you and share with our partners helping us publicise the event all over the country)
• Decide what type of event you want to host (factory tour/ Q & A with team on potential careers/ demonstration of what you make etc)
• Plan Your Event
• Invite Your Community (write to local schools and colleges and other local organisations)
• Promote Your Event (use all your channels: LinkedIn, poster in local shops, Facebook, local paper etc)
• Invite your local MP
For more information, please email nmd@makeuk.org