NAA Update: Latest COVID support updates, end of the EU transition period guidance, and despite COVID, various forthcoming (online) events
Welcome to this month’s newsletter and I hope that you are all still keeping safe and well, despite the latest COVID-19 challenges…
Firstly, on that note, I’m sure that you are aware that last week the Chancellor announced the extension of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) not just by one month – but until the end of March 2021. The Chancellor also announced that he was increasing government support to the Self-Employed through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS).
Further details about the CJRS are set out in this factsheet and on gov.uk. Full guidance will be published on Tuesday 11 November. Further details about the SEISS are available in this factsheet and detailed guidance on the third SEISS grant will be published on gov.uk in due course.
Secondly, I want to update you on the Annual Dinner; given current developments, we have taken the decision to move this event to a later date next year: Thursday 23rd September, when we look forward to you joining us again at The Mere.
I also want to share with you the details of a national programme that the National Physical Laboratory is running until March 2021, and is essentially up to 20 days free technical advice and consultancy around measurement challenges for businesses registered in the UK. Further details of the project can be found here, and apart from the time to make an online application, there is no cash or in-kind requirement from the beneficiary company.
As we approach the end of the EU transition period, I wanted to signpost you to the latest government guidance for the automotive sector. This can be found through the following link: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/automotive-sector-end-of-transition-period-guidance
Elsewhere in this month’s newsletter, you can read about some of the latest developments from a selection of our member companies including: Bentley, Camcoat, TUV, ULEMCo, Warwick Acoustics and YOYO MultiDrops.
While the latest government restrictions still preclude face to face events, our weekly webinar programme continues, with the following forthcoming in November:
12th November – “Effective Video Content from your Phone or Tablet” from NAA Member, Bigtank Productions
19th November – “Getting the most out of Microsoft Teams” from NAA Partner, Network ROI
Full details on both of these webinars can be found later on in this newsletter.
A further event for your diary from NAA member, The University of Salford, is its Energy House 2.0 Virtual Launch – on 12th November.
Construction has begun on Energy House 2.0, a major £16m test facility (see image above), that will explore future issues facing the housing market in the areas of energy systems and energy efficiency. The University of Salford has led the way in using innovative whole house methods to help businesses quickly bring new products and services to market.
This facility will provide fellow NAA member companies with the opportunity to access two very large volume climatic test chamber facilities here in the North West.
The University of Salford is holding a Virtual Launch of the facility – further details of which can be found later in the newsletter.
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) is holding a number of events in the coming weeks for automotive industry professionals which I’m sure will also be of interest:
International Conference on EV Batteries 2020
11-12 November 2020
High Performance Powertrains 2020
25 November 2020
International Conference on Vehicle Aerodynamics 2020
8 December 2020
If you would like to join the IMechE webinars, NAA members can secure the Supporting Organisation discount. Simply book online at that rate or contact Fiona Wong (eventenquiries@imeche.org) and mention your NAA membership.
On a training note, we have negotiated preferential rates for NAA members for the Dale Carnegie Course – “Effective Communications & Human Relations” (formerly known as “How to be an Effective Leader” – this course has moved online and is carried out in 8 x 3 hour sessions over 4 weeks (2 sessions per week) – the next course is starting on 16th November – for full details please visit our training page here
Finally, as always, if you need us please do not hesitate to contact us.
Stay safe.
Paul Jones, NAA CEO