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    NAA Event Review: Webinar – 3 steps to unlock investment and skills in robotics and automation

    The Northern Automotive Alliance (NAA) was joined by DHL Supply Chains and the Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC) for an ‘ask us anything’ webinar… This focused on the challenges that businesses face within the digital age, and what support is out there to help overcome such challenges – including case study examples in automation and robotics […]

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    NAA Event Review: Webinar – Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Automotive Sector

    On 29 October we held a webinar in conjunction with Senseye exploring the Impact of Industry 4.0 on the Automotive Sector… Senseye gave a brief overview of the challenges that many automotive companies are currently facing, before explaining how Industry 4.0 can be harnessed to increase reliability and productivity. Figures showed that the automotive sector […]

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    NAA Event Review: Webinar – The Impact of R&D Tax Relief Claims Following Changes due to Legislation

    This past year has seen unforeseen changes that have impacted R&D tax claims – recently with CBILs and the furlough scheme as a direct result of COVID-19 and, in addition, the upcoming introduction of IR35 and off-payroll working… What these changes have in common is the impact they will have on a business making R&D […]

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    NAA Event Review: Webinar – 3 Steps to Unlock Investment and Skills in Robotics and Automation

    The Northern Automotive Alliance (NAA) were joined by DHL Supply Chain and the Virtual Engineering Centre (VEC) for an ‘ask us anything’ webinar which focused on the challenges that businesses face within the digital age and what support is out there to help overcome such challenges including case study examples in automation and robotics within […]

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    NAA Event Review: Webinar – Automotive Transformation – Developing the UK Electric Vehicle Supply Chain

    On 16th September the Advanced Propulsion Centre UK (APCUK) and the Department for International Trade (DIT) hosted a webinar on Automotive Transformation – Developing the UK Electric Vehicle Supply Chain… Lawrence Davies from the Automotive Sector Team at DIT gave an overview of the UK automotive supply chain landscape, together with its current direction of […]

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    NAA Event Review: Accelerating Talent Webinar

    On 23rd September, the NAA held a webinar in conjunction with IN4.0 Group to help companies learn about the most skilled, employment ready and diverse talent in the country – that just happens to be in the North West!… Attendees heard from a panel of outstanding female Junior Engineers, who discussed their experiences of completing […]

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    NAA Event Review: Webinar – Cyber Security Risks of Remote Working

    Our final webinar in September was hosted by IT Director as a Service. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a shift in working practices for all organisations… Many companies who were inexperienced in remote working had to plan, deploy, and support users in a very short space of time, just to keep their businesses running. Standard […]

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    NAA Event Review: Webinar – Six Steps to a Better Business

    In August we saw the return of Paul Limb, Managing Director of ActionCOACH, Bolton. This webinar focused on the simple steps and strategies which business owners can adopt to move their business forward… Discover the proven formula for success Reignite your vision, energy and enthusiasm Discover new marketing strategies to attract more of the right […]

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    NAA Event Review: Webinar – Unlocking the Value of Your Automotive Data

    On 27th August, NAA Member, SamsonVT (a specialist software technology company based in Manchester) hosted a webinar on “Unlocking the Value of Your Automotive Data”… Leading the webinar was SamsonVT’s Lead Data Scientist Xavier Roy, who holds a Degree in Physics, a Masters in Cosmology and a PhD in Theoretical Physics; focusing on mathematical modelling […]

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    NAA Event Review: Restarting the Automotive Sector in Exceptional Times

    On 2nd June, Growth Platform, the Liverpool City Region Growth Company, hosted a webinar on “Restarting the Automotive Sector in Exceptional Times”. Guest speakers included Paul Jones, CEO of NAA; PwC; Jaguar Land Rover and Bentley Motors… The content built on the existing Government Issued Guidance for businesses on Covid-19, by covering complementary Industry Developed […]

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    European Regional Development Fund Northern Powerhouse
    Partners Department for Business Innovation and Skills Finance Birmingham