NAA Member News: UK’s First STEM competition to convert used petrol go karts to fully electric machines
To mark the Year of Engineering, the very first schools STEM competition to recycle used petrol go karts and turn them into high powered electric versions is being piloted this summer with five teams from Bolton, Wigan and Lancashire taking part. The teams are made up of young people aged 13 -18 years old… The […]
NAA Member News: TISS rubs shoulders with royalty
Blackpool-based TISS Ltd has been presented with its second Queen’s Award for Enterprise at a reception at Buckingham Palace… TISS CEO Ryan Wholey and his wife, Katherine, met with Prince Charles at a special reception on June 28th in the regal surroundings of the Palace Gallery, three months after being awarded for Innovation for its […]
NAA Member News: ULEMCo Works on Hydrogen Fuelled Marine Engines
ULEMCo, the company achieving success with the use of ultra-low emission hydrogen-fuelled commercial vehicles in the UK, is looking into options for the marine sector… The company is developing a demonstration marine engine modified to run on hydrogen as part of an international project. ULEMCo has become a partner to the HYLANTIC project, the overall […]
Northern Automotive News: McLaren CEO calls for new ‘weight race’ to help Britain lead lightweight technology development
Britain can become a world leader in lightweight materials that could help create more efficient future vehicles, Mike Flewitt, the CEO of luxury British sportscar and supercar maker McLaren Automotive has said today… Delivering his keynote speech to automotive leaders and policy makers at the SMMT industry summit in Central London, Mr Flewitt called for […]
Industry News: The Road to Zero is published
The Road to Zero strategy has been published, which sets out next steps to cleaner road transport and delivering the UK’s Industrial Strategy… Strategy sets out ambition for at least 50% — and as many as 70% — of new car sales to be ultra-low emission by 2030, alongside up to 40% of new vans […]
Industry News: New Automotive Technology Roadmap Reveals Increasingly Complex Challenges
New Automotive Technology Roadmap reveals increasingly complex challenges but also opportunities due to fast changing socio-political needs… Published for the UK’s Automotive Council Thoroughly-researched insights for industry, government and investors to unlock this potentially $1 trillion global market by 20301 Technology choices required to meet emission targets and technical barriers identified No one clear winner […]
Industry News: Announcing the Top 50 Women in Engineering (WE50) 2018
The Women’s Engineering Society (WES) celebrated 2018’s Top 50 Women in Engineering (WE50) in partnership with The Telegraph at a high-profile event at Royal Academy for Engineering on 26 June. The WE50 winners this year represent the top 50 female Returners and Transferrers in engineering and allied sectors… The WE50 winners represent the very broad […]
NAA Update: Robert Llewellyn to present the 2018 NAA Awards
I’m delighted to announce that our Master of Ceremonies for the 2018 NAA Awards will be Robert Llewellyn, actor (Kryten in Red Dwarf), comedian, writer, TV presenter (Scrapheap Challenge), presenter of the highly successful Fully Charged series on YouTube about electric vehicles, and most recently, the man behind last weekend’s inaugural Fully Charged LIVE event […]
In the Driving Seat: Phil Hodson, Co-Founder and MD, Kensington Consulting
When not in the office, Phil Hodson, Co-Founder and MD, Kensington Consulting, can be found walking his two labradors around the region… Name Phillip (Phil) Hodson Company Kensington Automotive – a division of Kensington Consulting Ltd. Position Co-Founder and MD Apart from that REC Audited status & Jobsite National Recruitment Award Winner. Association with NAA […]
NAA Member Profile: Virtual Engineering Centre/University of Liverpool
The University of Liverpool is an internationally renowned Russell Group university, recognised for its high-quality research with collaborations reaching across the globe with an abundance of businesses and organisations… The Faculty of Science and Engineering connects research strengths, technologies and experts from a unique and broad mix of disciplines. The University is home to a […]