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    NAA Business Excellence Programme Update: Business Excellence Programme Extension Approaching Final Approval

    I would like to take this opportunity to update you on the Business Excellence’s proposed extension July 2013 to June 2015. It is now over a year ago that I met with the team at the European Regional Development Fund and in July 2012 I submitted the proposal for further funding. The ERDF team has […]

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    NAA Skills Update: Raising awareness of apprenticeships

    A recent Times Higher Education article revealed that more than three quarters of recent university graduates were not given advice on apprenticeships or vocational training routes before leaving secondary education The article was based on research carried out with 1,774 people who graduated in the last two years, 76% of whom said they were not […]

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    Funding News: The Niche Vehicle Network, Technology Strategy Board, and OLEV jointly announce the 2013-14 call for collaborative R&D projects

    The Niche Vehicle Network is pleased to announce a new CR&D Competition, which will provide a total fund of £1,350,000 for niche vehicle manufacturers, suppliers and technology organisations who wish to collaborate on innovative, industry-led projects focussing on developing and demonstrating vehicle or system level road-vehicle technology in the following categories Improved Fuel Efficiency & […]

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    SMMT News: NEW SMMT Funding and Support Guide

    The new version of the Funding and Support Guide for automotive companies requiring access to finance has been published, containing over 100 different regional, national and European schemes that are cross referenced by type, category and criteria The document has been designed to make it easy for automotive companies to find the schemes most relevant […]

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    Torotrak Acquires 20% of Flybrid Automotive Ltd

    Leyland-based Torotrak acquires 20% of Flybrid Automotive Ltd, formalising successful partnership to deliver first-to-market flywheel hybrids Torotrak has acquired a 20% stake in flywheel hybrid innovator Flybrid Automotive Ltd (formerly Flybrid Systems LLP) with an option to acquire the remaining shares before the end of the calendar year. The transaction strengthens Torotrak’s ability to provide […]

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    March 2013 Budget: Changes to VED, company car tax, capital allowances, and more

    Here’s a summary of how the March 2013 Budget affected motorists, including changes to Benefit In Kind (BiK) tax levels for Electric Vehicles (EVs) Company Car Tax and EV BIK Benefit In Kind (BiK) tax levels on Ultra Low Emission Vehicles (ULEVs) – including Electric Vehicles (EVs) – with 0-50g/km CO2 emissions, will remain at […]

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    NAA Skills Update: National Apprenticeship Week and Engaging with Schools

    11th to 15th March 2013 was National Apprenticeship Week, the annual event which celebrates the positive impact apprenticeships have on individuals and businesses alike. Regular readers of the Skills article in the NAA’s newsletter might be forgiven for thinking that in ‘Susan World’ every week is Apprentice Week, but even the strongest exponents of apprenticeships […]

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    BE Case Study: SMMT Meet the Buyer 2011

    North West companies attend SMMT Meet the Buyer event and gain introductions to key automotive purchasers. Link to case study:- BE Case Study: SMMT Meet the Buyer 2011 North West automotive businesses meet buyers and benefit from mentoring in how to sell to major manufacturers. PROJECT SMMT Meet the Buyer event, Chester, 2011 BACKGROUND The […]

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    Government to provide 75% of the cost of installing new charge points for electric vehicles

    The government has announced that it will provide 75% of the cost of installing new plug-in vehicle charge points at home, on the street, and at railway stations; and also rapid charge points. The funding can be claimed by: People installing chargepoints where they live Local authorities installing rapid charge points to facilitate longer journeys, […]

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    Vince Cable Launches £22 Million Automotive ‘Proving Factory’ Initiative

    The Rt Hon Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills, has launched an advanced manufacturing initiative for the automotive sector, with an investment of £21.8 million from the public and private sector. The Proving Factory is a collaborative project involving major companies and groups in the UK motor industry. Ultimately it […]

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    European Regional Development Fund Northern Powerhouse
    Partners Department for Business Innovation and Skills Finance Birmingham